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General Information
Our Platinum E-Commerce V5 Script has an Ultra Professional system to meet all your expectations. Our script is a system equivalent to E-Commerce scripts sold between 3 thousand ₺ - 8 thousand ₺, which is demanded annually in the market. Our Platinum E-Commerce V5 Script is coded in accordance with all commercial sectors, Electronic goods sector, Textile sector, Food sector, etc. It is suitable for many sectors.
Main Features
- Last generation Html5, Css, JavaScript infrastructure, Mobile compatible (Resonsive) theme
- Advanced administration panel where you will make all website settings
- Possibility to make all modules Active/Passive in the administration panel
- Seo friendly system with advanced search engine settings
- The ability to change all site visual settings from the panel without the need for code knowledge
- Advanced slider management
- Possibility to update bulk products with a single click
- Advanced product management
- Advanced category management with Push-to-Move feature
- Advanced Brand Management
- Advanced Product specifications and Variant management has never been easier
- Advanced Ticket (Support) System
- Advanced order management system
- Paytr and Iyzico Virtual posts
- Advanced bank accounts module
- The ability to download, move or edit all products and categories as xml and upload them again
- Advanced Cargo Tracking Module
- Advanced page management
- Advanced Blog management
- Advanced S.S.S. management
- The ability to enter Description, Title, Keywords on all pages
... And with many features that we cannot count, our Platinum E-Commerce V5 Script is just for you