If you want to review our administration panel Click
Admin Panel Login Information
User Name: demo
Password: demo
Main Features
Responsive Mobile Compatible Design
- Flawless look on tablets and phones.
- Unlimited color options.
Advanced Dashboard
- You can manage all areas on the site.
- Unlimited page addition and editing (Title, Keyword, Description settings).
- Unlimited service addition and editing, Title, Keyword, Description settings
- Unlimited adding and editing news (Title, Keyword, Description settings).
- Unlimited team addition and editing, Title, Keyword, Description settings
- Unlimited project addition and editing, Title, Keyword, Description settings
- Unlimited project category addition and editing (Title, Keyword, Description settings).
- Unlimited product addition and editing, Title, Keyword, Description settings
- Unlimited product category addition / editing / deletion (UNLIMITED SUB CATEGORY SYSTEM AVAILABLE)
- Unlimited add / edit / delete dealers / branches
Menu and Language Management
- Unlimited top menu addition, editing, deletion.
- Unlimited language addition, deletion, editing (Next Generation).
- Site and database backup
Communication and Social Media
- Contact page settings (Add Google Maps Code).
- Social media link management.
SEO and Security
- So SEO compatible link structure to get indexed faster on Google.
- Secure profile and session management.
Other Features
- Page background image and color change options.
- Edit email and SMS templates.
- Mass mail and SMS sending.
- You can specify company information, site title, keyword and site description from the admin panel.
- Change the admin panel URL address from the panel.
- Information page about the system.
- Scrolling menu activated up and down.